Today, I would want to introduce a person, and a dear friend, Manuel Sierra Puzo. Manuel is a very special individual who introduced many of us (and still does) into the beautiful sport of table tennis. The title of this post ‘many lives in one’ is totally justified, when someone listens to Manuel, and his […]

It is since long time ago that I wanted to find a timeslot to write this entry. Finally it seems that I managed to find this time 😉 In this difficult period where CovidË‹s pandemics is hitting everywhere is, perhaps, surprising that someone can put its mind on reflecting about technique in sports and, more […]

Coming back again, since a long time of reflection, on a topic going around my mind for a while: what makes a high quality shot? To answer this question I wish to follow the rule of 3, the 3 points that make possible a high quality shot. After some analysis and my basic knowledge of […]

Historically, since the very beginning, I was told that table tennis is one the most difficult disciplines over the planet. As a result its entry ticket is considered as pretty high, it is supposed to require a high investment to new practitioners. That is ok, but then a reflection (perhaps too simplistic) came to my […]

Welcome back again to those few that might be following this blog! I know, I have been absent for a long time but last half of 2016 and first half of 2017 have been exhausting and did not provide me too much opportunity to write in this blog. Previous 2016-2017 season was pretty irregular, from […]

L’effet de levier (the lever’s effect) is known in the financing domain as any technique targeting to multiply gains and losses. No doubt that is a good metaphor of the Law of Lever by Archimedes who stated ‘Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth’. A lever can be a […]

It is long time ago since my last entry in this blog. Lot of work and reflections on many different topics – not just table tennis – consumed most of this time since then. My main concern – related to this blog – was about finding the right words to provide others with the input that can […]

Many times I find people in table tennis forums complaining on how different can be 2 blades that are supposed to be the same model. I have to agree with them, especially, when we are dealing with pure wood blades. Wood is a live material and as a result at source and over its life […]

When buying a table tennis blade, the rule of thumb for the choice of the right handle is usually the following: – Straight handle: For those strongly grabbing their bat. – Anatomic handle. For those loosely grabbing their bat. – Flared handle: For those grabbing their bat not too hard not too loosely. In addition, […]

I love table tennis. I have enjoyed table tennis for about 20 years, mainly as a player but also occasionally as a trainer and always as a supporter of this wonderful and complex discipline. I met plenty of interesting people of different nationalities and conditions since then and learnt (and I’m still learning) from different […]