Why this blog?

I love table tennis.

I have enjoyed table tennis for about 20 years, mainly as a player but also occasionally as a trainer and always as a supporter of this wonderful and complex discipline.

I met plenty of interesting people of different nationalities and conditions since then and learnt (and I’m still learning) from different trainers and players. Table tennis made me suffered sometimes, because is so difficult and demanding, but has rewarded my efforts in the long term.

I think that all reasons above are by themselves, good arguments to start a blog. However, the main reason behind this initiative is that I feel that in this period of my life I’ve reached a point at which I really need to share my experiences around this sport with other people.

This blog will be an space to share thoughts, tips and views on different aspects of table tennis but I hope it will be also a window to let other wise people talk and transmit his knowledge about his passion.

Hope you will enjoy it.

One comment

  1. Good idea, I will try to stay on top of the topics that come out.

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